It's been a fortnight since my last post. Feels like I have just enrolled myself to the 'kindergarten' classes in internet marketing. Everything is new - there's so much to read, listen and do.
I declare that by the end of 5 months (December 2006), I will be re-reading this blog and by then I should have begin my next climb to join the ranks of sucessful internet marketers, and make a decent passive income to pay for my house and car instalments.
The indecent income will be if I have the money to pay in full the balance of loan outstanding!
If I am not successful, it is not for lacking in education. It will be because of lack in taking ACTION and I will want this blog to remind me of that.
Getting READY - Part 1 : Secrets to Creating Wealth
One of the first things that my guru, Stephen Pierce, sets out to teach us is Mindset changes. To be successful is to be able to endure and persevere. I must begin to do things that I haven't done before. I have to be focussed on what I want to achieve, and concentrate on achieving the goal. And I need to be disciplined to make it happen.
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" - says Napolean Hill in Think and Grow Rich.
And I need to be mindful of whom or what I decide to be influenced by. The type of books I read, the title of videos I watch, the audio tapes I listen to, the seminars I attend, and the people I talk to, will shape my thought process and ultimately my destination (life objectives). I must choose and control the 'Third Influence', otherwise I will be influenced by anything.
Following the above advise, I have thus far bought myself some more books, and subscribed to the e-zines of the internet marketers, to gain a 'forest' view of the subject matter.
I am still discovering! And I am reminded that the internet world is a fast-changing one; what works today may not work tomorrow. And I thought I can coast along the shore!
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