Thursday, April 05, 2007

UYMG Unleash Your Marketing Genius

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Stephen Pierce did it again! His UYMG 2007 in Singapore (March 23- 26 Friday to Monday) was worth every dollar I paid. To get an idea of the event, click on the video.

I car-pooled with a group of friends and drove from KL Malaysia to Singapore on Friday morning itself arriving in time for registration. After registration, it was straight to work. Exciting 4 days of money making ideas.

I am still digesting the many strategies that Stephen Pierce and his guest speakers have taught us. Most of the strategies are FREE, and which can be easily applied.

I have experienced an increase in my adsense income after applying one of his many strategies. More to come!

Some of the great takeaways from the UYMG event:

1. "Know your brain" - is the first of many games that we played; we learnt to identify our "colours" an dour personality - creative, activators, evaluators, or investigative.

2. 3 things to have to be successful in Internet marketing : Focus, consistence, and patience.

Do keep a lookout for my thoughts on :
1. PPC Pay per click
2. Blogging
3. Sales funnel
4. Publishing your own book
5. Forum marketing
6. E Bay

Till then

